Our Team

Khushleen Singh
President of Boomerang Masks
Hi! I'm an IBMA student at William B. Travis High School who is an aspiring entrepreneur. Drawn to problem-solving and leadership IÂ am the designer and innovator.
Alishba Zindani
Vice President of Boomerang Masks
Hi! I'm an IBMA student at William B. Travis High School who aspires to help build this sustainable company. I am the visionary of this project.
Matthew Hill and Nicole Do
Hi! We are IBMA students at William B. Travis High School who assist in small assigned tasks by the President and Vice-President.
Why Boomerang?
Save our earth
While we try to save ourselves from the virus, our ocean is being destroyed. Looking at the current situation, 75% of disposable masks have predicted to end in landfills or floating the sea. The damage of this is around $40 billion. If no action is taken the amount of plastic dumped in the ocean will triple by 2040, from 11 to 29 million tones per year.

Ditch the disposable masks
The speed in which the PPE pollution has emerged worldwide, is horrific. Disposable masks are doing more damage than good. Its ironic that we use them to protect ourselves against the polluting virus while we pollute the oceans with no acknowledgement of the obstruction.

Dangerous material
Disposable masks are made form plastic polymers that are NOT biodegradable nor recyclable, entailing and willing our wildlife and there are currently 194 billion disposable masks and gloves being used worldwide every month! Not only are we polluting our Earth further encouraging climate change, but we're dangeorusly effecting our wildlife.
Dramatic impact
In April, a WWF report found that even if only 1% of face masks are disposed of incorrectly, around 10,000,000 will still end up in the environment each month, injuring and killing countless animals.

Boomerang Masks are:
Made from recyclable material from vendors.
Purchased from BCI farmers that produce cotton without additional chemicals that pollute the environment.
Have ear support made from recyclable shoe laces
We welcome donations ranging from T-shirts, shoelaces, and unwanted fabric. Once you donate we would love to provide you store credit. If you would like to donate please contact us at: boomerangmasks@gmail.com